Advance Writing Progress 1 and Progress 2

Do you know types of text? What are they?
Yes, such as
-          Narrative text,
tell the story but just the imagination

-          Recount text,
(To tell something in the past based on fact, Tell sequence of event)

-          descriptive text,
(to visualized and give a more details and describe it) draw the things in the readers mind.

-          exposition text,
persuade the reader or listener by presenting one side of an argument.

-          explaination text
( to give an clear information that happen, to tell how/why something happen)

-          Report,
To classify and to inform

-          Procedure text,
To imitate what you mention in the text, after the readers read they actually do what you said.

-          Argumentative text,
To tell something but you take a side, if you write about smoking you need to take a side.

Formal (fact)
Literature (to ENTERTAIN the reader, Just imagination)

Formal : Poem,

Literature : Novel, poetry, movie, song, drama, Narrative

What are the major componets of a paragraph?

Main idea,
Once you can find the topic, you are ready to find the main idea. The main idea is the point of the paragraph. It is the most important thought about the topic.

topic sentence
(the content)( subject matter, about what we talk to, issue, matter, point.)

supporting sentence, provide the example for the topic,

concluding sentence (support/repeating the important things in the previous sentence)

The subject is always repeatable
After that explain the verb/ why my mother is hero

Subject of the main idea ( what does the paragraph talk about)


the other way to mention the idea/

Functional text ( informal)
Academic writing ( you must have a counter information that support your writing, and you need to see both side)
Introduction, main body solution, conclusion/ restate solution problem
Discussion text (natural or balance ideaas) and you need to take a side
Peesent the ideas and give the natural
What is the fform of subject ( noun and pronoun )
Verb = (regular and irregular, verb and verb to be)
Kalimat = S (noun+noun phrase +  P (verb/vertobe)  +O(noun) + ADV
Compliment = noun(she is a teacher) (this is a book)
                           Adverb ( they are everywhere)
How to do parapharsing
Please mention 2 types
Nominal tidak mengandung kata kerja (I’m a student) S+p+o+ad vim hungry

Compliment adj noun verb

Verbal = verb  we go to school every day
I am writing

Gieve example each of them
Nominal tidak mengandung kata kerja (I’m a student) S+p+o+ad vim hungry
Compliment adj noun verb

Verbal = verb  we go to school every day
I am writing

4 types of sentence
Please give example of each
1. Simple sentence
Declarative Sentences
These sentences are used to state information. They are the most commonly used sentence type. Most academic writing employs simple or declarative sentences. Declarative sentences end with a period. For example:
·         Research on the topic suggests that grammar is essential to success.
Imperative Sentences
These sentences give commands or make requests. Imperative sentences end with a period. For example:
·         Open the window.
Interrogative Sentences
These sentences ask questions. Accordingly, they end with a question mark. For example:
·         Did you complete the assignment?
Exclamatory Sentences
These sentences express emotion and, as such, end with an exclamation mark.
·         She is going to fall!
Exclamatory sentences are not common in academic writing. You should only use them if you have to convey a strong emotion, which does not happen often in academic writing as it tends to be objective and formal.

2.    compound

Simple sentence, one ideas.
No more, I like this class

Compound ideas more than one. at least two independence clause
I love you but I hate you
I like this class but my friend doesn’t

Complex only one but the other additional or extra information. Dihubungkan dengan kata penghub subcordinate conjuntion

I like this class since I entered it

Compound and complex
I like this class but my friends doesn’t since we entered it

Noun verb adj adv
Preposition followed by kata bantu kata benda in the classroom


Noun phrase s+o
 Phrase group of work


Clause is a group of word which a subject and predicate without full stops,

If it has full stop it is a sentence.

What are the basic element of a paragraph

Main idea/ topic sentence
Supporting sentences
Concluding sentences
topic sentence
(the content)( subject matter, about what we talk to, issue, matter, point.)

supporting sentence, provide the example for the topic,

concluding sentence (support/repeating the important things in the previous sentence
What are major structure of essay?

What is statement? Mention it
Declarative statement

What is summary? How do you make a summary?

a brief statement or account of the main points of something.

An overview of content that provides a reader

-          Skim the whole text, reading fast
-          Highlight the main idea of the original text
-          Find out the purpose/goal of the text
-          Write the most important points
-          Do not include your own ideas
-          Use your own words
-          Identify the source by mentioning the author
-          Cite the source in your references list

Topic itu terletak di subjek
Example of summary

According to inge (1999), the comic strip, Peanuts, has a great role on American present day civilization,

What is conclusion?
conclusion is the last part of something, that ends with a result

the final thaugth / the ending of ideas/ problem solve/ the answer

What is are the difference and similarities between summary and conclussion
Summary and conclussioon
Sama sama bisa menggunakan kalimat sendiri

Summary = the most important list of ideas

Conclusion = the final thaugth / the ending of ideas/ problem solve/ the answer
Sebelum buat conclusion harus buat summary, jadi saling keterkaitan
Mention some of the example of the passive voice

Kalimat yang bisa di ganti itu hanya yang verbal, verbal yang When you use transitive verb kata kerja yang membuntuhkan objek. Kalo go gabisa karena intransitive, jadi harus transitive verb

What is plagiarism?
Taking someone else work without any sources or copyright,

How to avoid plagiarism

Understand about the summary, important of the ideas of the text, condensed version of original text

Have a good grammatically

Paraphrase saying others people opinion

How to do
1.       Understand the whole material
2.       Acknowledge the source
3.       Change the form or structure of the sentence
a.       Verba to nominal
b.       Active to passive
4.       Use synonym or references ( pronoun, adverb, ellipsis, substitution)
5.       Do not make the original text shorter. Sometimes, paraphrasing is even longer than the source.

Use the original text

How to do
1.       Use the exact wprds of the author
2.       The quotation must be in line with your idea
3.       When we choose a quotation, it should be from a strong or weak author that su[pport your ideas
4.       Use reporting words or phrase to integrate the quote into your writing or indirect speech
5.       Reference your sourc of information with author

Discussion text (natural or balance ideaas) and you need to take a side
The purpose (present two different opinion from different point of view) intro, body, agree, disagree
The characteristic
-          Has two point of view of the same problem
-          Major tense is simple present
-          Equally elaborated
Generic structure
1.       Introduction
-          Background problem
Problem in your writing, and why you choose this problem
-          Evidences ( quotation, references, emphirical data, etc)
Apakah ini layak? Harus ada hal diatas, cek dulu sudah ada apa belom?
-          Thesis statements
Statement that categorize where is your position, among those problem where is your posisition what do you want to say?
2.       Positive argument

3.       Negative argment
4.       Conclusion

Writing process


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